is it safe to travel to Crete

Is It Safe To Travel To Crete? Let’s Find Out


Today we are going to answer a question that has been asked a lot recently, people have always been very fascinated by Crete and Greece at large, But they are concerned about safety. And they ask is it safe to travel to Crete? before we get into the answer to this question, lets first look at the concerns that the travelers might be having, I have heard many travelers who travel to many parts of the world complaining of being attacked and their belongings stolen or even worse getting injured in the process of trying to protect their belongings.

Now, this is very unfortunate because when you travel for holiday or even for business, the last thing you need to worry about is your belongings being snatched from you or, going back home with injuries, and you really don’t want to have that feeling that makes you keep looking over your shoulder, it’s not the way to spend your visit, you just want to enjoy your visit and have beautiful memories, pictures, and souvenirs to take back home with you.

So is it safe to travel to Crete? should you be concerned about being attacked in Crete? the answer to this question is absolutely not, you should not be concerned or afraid at all, Crete is the safest place I know, I will mainly focus on the north-west coast of the island, as A black woman living here, it’s very easy to be mistaken for a tourist. which means if it wasn’t safe, I would’ve been attacked by now.

If it wasn’t safe, I would be at great risk because it’s very easy for me to be confused with a tourist

is it safe to travel to Crete

As someone who lives here I go to many places that are not necessarily tourist place and I feel completely safe, the Greek people are very protective of visitors and they are always so eager to help you if you are stuck or lost, when you come to Crete, the first thing you will notice, is how people are relaxed about everything, they do not worry about security because the crime rate here is very low, also the law enforcement is very efficient.


People just go about their business and enjoy life, so if you are planning a trip to Crete, rest assured that you do not have to worry about your safety or the safety of your belongings. I will tell you a story about a Scandinavian lady who had forgotten her purse on the table of the taverner, where she and her friends were having a meal, keep in mind that the taverner was at the beachfront, meaning there was a lot of activities and a lot of people walking by.

 Is It Safe To Travel To Crete? I Think Its Very Safe

So anyway, the lady went back to her hotel, and the next day she realized that she did not have her purse, in the purse was all her travel documents, her credit cards, and some cash, so she told her friends that she will start by contacting her bank to cancel the credit cards, but first, she checked if there was any activity in her bank account and found all was well.

The lady decided before taking any action, she would go back to the taverner where she and her friends had enjoyed their meal the previous night and ask about her purse. So she went and asked, and all she was hoping for was to find her documents, but the waiter looked at her and smiled and said you have to be careful not to be leaving your purse on the table.

He reached under the counter and handed her the purse and asked her to check if everything was there and sure enough, all was there including the cash. The waiter said the purse was noticed by someone walking by and it was brought to the counter.

You Do Of course need to look after your belongings

So as you can see, Crete and especially this side of Crete is very safe, of course, you must take care of your belongings, but you should not walk in fear that you will be attacked. The City of Chania is very beautiful and you will be very impressed by how even the business people just let you look and admire their goods, they tell you just take a look, and if you say you are not buying today, they will tell you to just look and you will come another day.

if you are planning your holiday, I say Crete is a place to consider not only because of its beauty, but also because of its safety, and there are so many things to do here in Crete and so many sites to visit, which I am going to be covering on this website as we move forward. So go on and book that flight, there is nothing to be afraid about.

The funny thing is that there are so many people who come to Crete for holiday and end up staying or coming back and buying a house and staying, my husband and I know so many people who tell us that they came here for holiday and ended up staying because it’s a really nice place. The Greek people are so welcoming and super friendly not to mention generous.

My Conclusion

Crete is a very safe and beautiful place to visit, just come to Crete, relax and enjoy your holiday, and don’t forget to bring your camera because you will be taking many beautiful pictures, and of course depending on the time of the year you come to Crete, the sea will be warm and inviting so enjoy a dive or two in the sapphire blue Aegean Sea, absolutely magical.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this article and I hope I have assured you that you will be safe visiting our beautiful Island, I hope to hear from you, share your views down below in the comment section, have you been to Crete? did you like it, would you come back? Let’s talk some more in the comments

Thank you so much for your time


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