
Creta Aquarium Review Our Experience


Today I would like to talk about the fun we had at the Creta Aquarium. We went there on a Sunday, and we had a great time, we were able to see all kinds of sea creatures, big and small including sharks. I was very excited to see sharks up close, and to know that they were behind glass and I could get really close and they couldn’t do a thing to me lol

Cretaqurium is located just 15 km from the city of Heraklion on the east side of the city on the Greek island of Crete. The aquarium was opened in 2005 and in 2008 it had a facelift so to speak with the addition of 25 tanks, making a total of 60 tanks hosting 2,000 different species of fish and other sea creatures.

The Aquarium is a special place where they also host different events, not only do they host educational events, but they also host Conferences, wedding receptions, kids parties, and other leisure events. You just need to contact them so they can organize something spectacular for you and your guests.

I was super fascinated by all that I saw at the aquarium. Apart from the normal aquarium activities, Cretaquarium is an education place holding educational programs from primary to secondary school levels. Their goal is to educate the public on the importance of being environmentally aware especially when it comes to marine life.


Note, if you would rather watch the video version of this post, it’s available on my YouTube channel Click Here

They are very passionate about saving our seas by refraining from polluting the seas. As we were strolling through the Aquarium, we came across a section of the aquarium designated for showing the kind of garbage that has been collected from the sea, and each object had information about how long it would take for that particular object to break down.

Creta Aquarium Very Passionate About Preserving Our Marine Life

Took This photo of one of the Sharks

One of the objects displayed was a disposable baby diaper which was marked that it would take 500 years for it to break down. There were also other objects including cans of beer, glass bottles, plastic cans, and of course plastic bags. This really got me thinking about how we have to be careful and not throw our garbage into the sea.

I mean, we really don’t want to lose all those beautiful sea creatures. Anyway, going back to our experience at the Cretaquarium. Of course, because of the current situation in the world, we had to wear face masks (it’s mandatory to wear a face mask in the Aquarium)

We also had to sanitize our hands, and take a card number which helps the members of the staff manage the numbers of people they are letting into the aquarium, to follow the rules put in place. We had to social distance, and it’s not allowed to touch the glass of the tanks.

How Much Does It Cost, And How Long Will It Take?

Another Shark photo

I think 2 hours should be sufficient to walk around the aquarium, and then you might need an extra half an hour at the cafe, maybe to have something to eat, or drink. They have a very nice cafe, which serves fresh juice, all kinds of soft drinks, and fresh fruits as well as a large selection of sandwiches. I had a bowl of mixed fresh fruits, and it was super amazing.

The tickets for adults are 10 Euros($11.78) and for children from 0 to 4 years are free, then from 5 years to 17 years it’s 6 Euros ($7.07)

When you go to Cretaqurium, remember it’s not allowed to take pictures with the flush on, so make sure you turn off the flush, before taking pictures.

If you would like to learn more about the day to day activities of the aquarium, like how the feeding process work, You can do so by visiting their website and booking the appropriate time to visit the aquarium, when those activities are taking place.

On the website, you will also get to watch short videos. I fund some of the videos quite fascinating especially the one where the guy is cleaning the tank where the sharks are. Got me quite scared because I was thinking wrong move and things could go very bad for him, but I guess they are professionals and good at what they do.

Creta Aquarium Is Ideal For A Fun Day For The Whole Family

The jellyfish

The Young ones would be very happy to see all those sea Creatures, I was able to see Nemo, Dori, and many more, and also I saw the turtles, and the jellyfish, that was so nice. The funny thing is the children especially the little ones, are so excited to get into the aquarium and then as soon as they get in, then they get afraid.

And they need some encouragement at first, but then they do start having fun, and then it will be difficult when its time to leave lol. I remember this little girl she was so excited to enter the Aquarium, she was jumping up and down as the parents were getting the tickets. Then when we got in, she was not so enthusiastic anymore, but with some encouragement from her Dad, she was OK.

Then when it came time to leave, now she did not want to go anymore because she said that she had made friends with the little fish and she wanted to stay lol.


The Creta Aquarium is a nice place to take the kids, and even the grown-ups, not only will it give you a clear perspective of how important it is for us to stop polluting our seas, but also it will give you an opportunity to see the most amazing sea creatures that live in the depth of the Mediterranean sea.

Well, that was our experience at the Creta Aquarium and now I would like to read about your experience, have you been to this aquarium and if so, did you enjoy it? Please leave your comments below.

Thank you for your time


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