
Living In Crete How I Started My Blog Without Web Developing Skills


Today I want to share with you how I started my blog. Let me start by saying, blogging is not as hard as some people make it sound, see the thing is, some people want to make it complicated so they can sell their expensive courses, believe me, I have tried some of those courses.

So this is how I started my blog, I found an online platform that helped me set everything up, and mine was just to write articles, and publish. Of course, there is a training that I had to go through. I learned how to do keyword research, how to add links to my articles, how to add banners, and how to add images to my articles.

How I Started My Blog, I Had To Learn How To Compose Articles Correctly

When I say correctly, I don’t mean writing as if I am writing for a newspaper, mine is a relaxed easy to read kind of blog, so I just wanted to communicate my message to my readers. So what I was taught is to first identify my style of writing, and then I was taught how to format my articles so they are easy to read, as well as how to use my keywords correctly so the search engines can figure out what my article is about and where to rank my articles.

The thing is blogging is in a way half writing for people, but also a half for the search engines, you need to send your message to your readers, but you also have to send your message to the bots so when they crawl your pages, they get a clear picture what your article is about.


This process is called SEO ( search engine optimization) and I learned how to do it, now it’s so easy, I can almost do it with my eyes closed lol, I know exactly where my keywords should go, and how many times I should plug in my keyword in the article and still make it make sense.

The Next Thing I Had To Learn Was How To Choose A Niche


OK, to be honest, I didn’t even know what that was in the beginning, and I kept going back and forth with my online coaches because I did not understand why I had to focus on one topic when I had so much to write about. So the first blog I started was actually a disaster, when my coach checked it, they told me I had to decide what I wanted to do with my website.

Anyway, I had to delete many articles because the website had all kinds of articles some skincare articles, some recipes, and fashion, dating, politics, my website had it all lol. Anyway, once I understood the meaning of choosing a niche and why I had to focus on one niche, then things started happening.

How I Started My Blog, They Also Taught Me Affiliate Marketing

Most bloggers and YouTubers monetize their blogs and YouTube Channels with affiliate marketing, I know you must be asking, what is affiliate marketing, well, if you read some of my posts you will notice some contain Amazon links, those are affiliate links, which means if you click those links and buy the products I recommend, I will make a commission.

That is what affiliate marketing is, it’s simply promoting other people’s products online to earn commissions. And full disclosure, the banner you see on this post, and my other posts, that banner is actually promoting the platform I am talking about in this article. That is where I learned everything I know about affiliate marketing, content creation, keyword research, and much more, you can give it a try if you like.

Just click on the banner and I will meet you on the other side, I spend lots of my time on that platform because that’s where I write and edit all my blog posts.

Pame Stin Kriti Is Not My Only Blog

This was not the first blog I created, actually by the time I was thinking of launching a blog about living in Crete, I had already created a successful blog, that was after lots of trials and errors of course. The truth is, I have always been fascinated by the internet and I have been creating content since 2012, I have contributed in many women’s forums, and even political forums, but I always wanted to have my own website.

The first one I launched I was talking about my country Kenya, but that one didn’t go so well because, to be honest with you, I didn’t know what I was doing. Then I launched a blog on the website called Blogger, which again didn’t work, then I tried to build a website on Wix, again failed. I then started writing articles on a website called Medium, and on

But things were not working out well for me, I needed to find an online course that can teach me how to do things correctly and have someone that I can ask questions and ask for help when I mess things up on my website. But did such a thing exist? All the courses I found online, were expensive, with lots of up sales, and they were mainly just pre-recorded videos and written material, and there was no one to ask questions apart from people on Facebook groups who had no idea how to solve problems because they too were learning just like me.

Also when you ask a question you don’t get a response immediately and as we know, when dealing with websites, you want someone there to help you immediately so you don’t lose your website because there are some mistakes you make that can completely break your website.

Long Story Short I Found What I Was Looking For


One day I was on a website called Pinterest, this is a website where people especially women go to find ideas for fashion, cooking, makeup home decor, art and craft, and other DIY ideas. I had been on the website for a long time, it’s actually an image-based website so there are lots of beautiful pins(images) basically what happens on Pinterest is you as a blogger you create an image, usually on a website called, and you put a text overlay explaining what the pin(image is about) then you put your link on the image, so if someone clicks on the image, they go to your website.

I actually promote my blogs on Pinterest too, it’s great. Anyway, as I was on Pinterest, I came across a pin that talked about a complete blogging course, I clicked and read the article, it sounded like everything I had been searching for, a platform that’s like a one shop stop, I could not only purchase a domain, and build a website, but I could host it there and learn everything without leaving the platform.

Also in the article, they said there was an active live chat where the members and the experts are chatting and explaining things, there is a huge community and the platform is always active, so you cannot get stuck, without getting help. The Site support team is also active 24/7 with the average response time being less than a minute. This is what I wanted to hear.

They said I could try for free no credit card required, so I tried it, was given 10 lessons for free, just teaching the basics of websites, and content creation. Well, After the 7 days free trial, I decided to try for a month, which was $19 and I have never looked back, I am now an annual member. And that folks, is how I started my blog.


Well, today I just wanted to share, how I started my blog, you can too if blogging is an interest of yours. Maybe you are there and have always wanted to launch your own blog but don’t know-how and you are not tech-savvy, not to worry, you don’t need to be tech-savvy, you just need to know what you want to write about, and then leave the technical stuff to the experts.

Once you learn how to do your keyword research and how to format your blog posts, you are good to go, and if you join us, I will be there to guide you, I will answer your questions, and there are many other qualified people who will help you set up a successful website, that you can monetize however you wish to monetize it.

Well, that is it for now, do you have any questions for me? please leave them in the comment section, also please share my post on your social media if you found it helpful.

Thank you for your time.


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