top places to shop in Chania Crete

Top Places to Shop In Chania Crete


When you are in the city of Chania, you will be spoiled for choice when it comes to shopping, but today I will give you my recommendations on where to buy different items in Chania. Obviously the famous leather lane will be you first stop. There you will find all kinds of things made of pure leather, bags, shoes, belts jackets, you name it, you will find it at the leather lane.

The Famous Leather Lane In Chania Crete, Will Probably Be Your First Stop

The street used to be a place where shoemakers used to manufacture their goods by hand, and even though many leather products are no longer manufactured by hand, there are a few shoemakers who make their own traditional Cretan boots by hand. But most of the products are manufactured in factories in mainland Greece and also in Crete. And brought to the shops at the leather lane.

Also, because some people are not so keen on real leather anymore, you will find some shops that will have vegan leather or synthetic leather, but most products are made of real leather so it’s really up to you and what you want.

But even if you are not a fan of any leather products, you will find many other items that will interest you.


For example, there is a shop that only sells ceramic products and you will be able to find all kinds of ceramic products like bowls, plates art, Vase, statues and candle holders among many other products. And also there is yet another shop that sells iron products like statues and other things not to mention the pottery shop.

And of course, the skincare shop that sells products made out of the finest Cretan olive oil infused with the wild herbs of Crete, which gives the products the authentic touch of Cretan beauty recipes.

Kornizes Pinakes Zografikis Drotheou Episkopou 21 Chania

Top Places to shop in Chania Crete
Photo by Rose
top places to shop in Chania
photo by Rose

But when It comes to taking a piece of Crete home with you on canvas, then I have just the place for you. When you go from the main street that leads to the old harbor, as you come to the end of the leather lane turn left and a few meters you will see some tables and umbrellas because there are a couple of restaurants there but you will also notice some small shops. Among them a small shop that sells paintings. It’s very small you could miss it but you will see paintings outside.

When I noticed the shop, it had character and I knew I had to go in and speak to the owner and ask him a few questions and also ask him if it’s OK to take some photos and feature his shop on one of my articles.

Its called Kopnizes, I spoke to Mr. Spondithakis and he told me that the shop has belonged to his family for many generations and art has been their way of sharing a piece of Crete with the friends who visit this beautiful Island from all corners of the world. He told me that to him when a customer walks into his shop, he sees an opportunity to show off his interpretation of the spirit of the ever so hospitable people of Crete and Greece at large.

You Can Take a Tour Of Crete In Just Minutes By Admiring The Work Of Art At This Shop

He has a large collection of paintings, that depict different situations from the famous Cretan dance to the fishing boats, not to mention the harvesting of the olives. You can also see the Cretan men playing the famous board game called tavli. And of course, as we know The Greek People are strong Believers in Christianity so you will also see many paintings that depict different Christian settings.

As I was leaving Mr Spondithakis shop, I felt like I had just taken a tour of the whole Island of Crete without taking a single step, and I felt like if someone was to arrive on this Island without ever being here before, they will learn so much by just being in that shop. Mr. Spondithaki is very welcoming and He offered me a sit and insisted that I have a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. He asked me about my blog and I gave him the link and he said, that He likes what I am doing and I should tell my readers about his shop.

Well, if you ever find yourself on this part of Crete, I highly recommend you visit this shop and get yourself painting or two, and please tell Mr Spondithakis that you read about his shop on my blog.

The next place we are going to talk about is Iritakina Jewellery, how can you leave Crete without a piece of jewelry? It does not even have to be something expensive but you must buy a small something to remind you of the Island and that is why you will find different kinds of jewelry.

And if you believe in the mati, you must take something that has this symbol to protect you from the evil eye 🙂

Stavros & Mary Jeweler’s Shop Chania

top places to shop in Chania Crete
photo by Rose

If you want fine genuine and great quality jewelry, then Stavros & Mary is where you need to be, they have a wide selection of diamonds, rubies sapphire, jewelry not to mention the finest selection of precious metals like Platinum, white. rose and yellow gold and silver.

If you are looking for a ring, bracelet, necklace or any other type of Jewelry, you will find it at Stavros and Mary. This shop is located on the main street as you walk down to the old harbor, it’s the last jewelry shop on your left side just before you reach the fountain.

Then Its time For Fish Spa Ariel Fish Spa Chania Is Where You Need To Be

top places to shop in Chania Crete
photo by Rose

After you have finished your shopping and maybe had Gyros for lunch, it’s time to let the little fish nibble on your dead skin 🙂 it’s time for the fish spa. I have to admit that the first time I tried the fish spa, I acted like a madwoman and I am very embarrassed by my behavior.

Anyway, if you are not ticklish, give the fish spa a try, your feet will feel nice and soft afterward, but if you don’t want to try the fish spa, they do offer other services like manicures and pedicures.

When all is said and done, you can have an ice-cream at a place called Chill Box and call it a day.


There are many places to shop in Chania depending on what you are looking for. Chania is a big City so you will be able to find whatever you are looking for.

I hope you have found this article helpful, I would like to hear your opinions, so please leave me a line or two. Thank you for Your time.


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