
The Heatwave In Crete Greece Fire Warning Issued

I just posted a YouTube video talking about the heatwave in Crete Greece, So I thought I should follow it up with a blog post. To be honest it’s just too hot now. I don’t think we’ve had this kind of heat since I have been here in Crete. We have started getting alerts on our mobile phones, warning against actions that could cause a fire.

Everything is so dry so it’s very easy for a fire to break out, and actually, the heatwave in Crete Greece is not isolated, the region as a whole has been experiencing extreme temperatures, causing big fires in some parts of Turkey.

The warning that the Greek Fire Department issued, states that visits to the Forests areas are prohibited, it further states that unnecessary travel should be avoided.

We Have Seen People On Their Bikes In 43 degrees Celsius

Although the fire department has issued a warning against unnecessary travel, some people find it necessary to go cycling on their bicycles in 43 sometimes 45 degrees. I don’t know how they are able to do that, surely it can’t be safe no matter how fit you are.


I actually asked our doctor if it’s safe for people to be cycling in those high temperatures and he said he ” won’t recommend it”

The Heatwave In Crete Greece, We Have Seen Big Fires In The Mainland, So We Must Be Careful


Fire Fighters have been battling big fires in the Northern parts of Athens, and just today (Friday, August 6th, 2021) two new fires have broken out in Fokida, an area in Central Greece. This means the Greek fire department is working very hard not only to put out the current fires but also to prevent new breakouts.

That means we have to be very careful and make sure we are not engaging in activities that could start a fire, for example, no fireworks, smokers must not throw cigarette butts on the ground, especially in the fields. The funny thing is, in my last post about things you might not like about living in Crete, I mentioned July and August as one of the things.

Please Take Care And Drink Lots Of Water

We must make sure that we stay hydrated, so drink lots of water, don’t go out without your hat, sunglasses, and lots of sunscreen cream. Also, if you know an elderly person, check on them, if they need help, then please do the right thing.

If you see smoke or fire then inform the fire department immediately the number to call in case of fire is 199. And the number to call if you need an ambulance is 116

The number for the Police is 100, and for the Coast Guard is 108


Well, this was just a quick one to inform you about the fire warning and to remind you to be careful during this heatwave, hopefully, it will pass soon. July and August are usually the hottest months here in Crete, but this year it’s been to the extreme.

I sure hope you have found my post helpful today, if so, please leave me a comment, and also share it on your social media.

Thank you for your time


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