
Retiring In Crete Greece What Are The Cons And Pros?

Let’s talk about retiring in Crete Greece, and the cons and pros of living in Crete. Crete being the largest island in Greece attracts lots of expats from other European countries and other parts of the world. Many people prefer retiring in Crete Greece because of the warm weather, and the relaxed atmosphere of the Cretan living.

Retiring in Crete Greece How to choose the best place to move to. When it comes to choosing which part you should move to, there are a few things that you need to consider. One being, what kind of life are you looking to live in Crete? Do you want city living or countryside living? As I mentioned The size of the island gives you the option of choosing different kinds of lifestyles.

For example, you can choose beachside life, mountainside life or city life.

Retiring In Crete Greece Property Rental VS Property Purchase

Most people who decide to retire in Crete prefer purchasing a property rather than renting one, although there are some who go for long term rent. We have some friends who long term renters. It really depends on your preferences.


Property value has gone up in recent years with an apartment in the city center of Chania costing anywhere between

€100.000 to €300.000 depending on the size and style. Rent can be anywhere between €400 to €800, again it depends on the size and style.

The Pros Of Retiring In Crete Greece (the good)


Obviously, the warm weather is one of the reasons why Crete is a favorite of many retirees from Europe, the US, Canada, and other parts of the world. Crete experiences warm weather even in the winter in comparison to other European countries. In January, we have some days when the temperatures can go as high as 25 degrees Celsius, and night temperatures are between 10 and 17 degrees Celsius.

The cost of living is fair although it’s higher than the cost of living in mainland Greece. In my next article, I am going to go deeper in the cost of living in Crete, but I will mission that there are some measures that you can take to save money while living in Crete. For example, you could do your main grocery shopping in Lidl supermarkets which saves you a lot of money.

Also buying fresh produce from the local farmers saves you a lot of money and you get fresh great quality products like organic eggs, fresh fruits, and vegetables, and things like honey. I also think it’s great to support the local farmers by purchasing their products directly from them.

Low Crime Rate In Crete

Another good thing about retiring in Crete Greece is the fact that Crete has a very low crime rate. I have lived here for 6 years now and I have not heard of any serious crimes, just some pick pocketing in Chania which happens a lot during the tourist season.

And that is why as a tourist you should not make it so obvious that you are tourists, just dress like one of the locals. Other than tourists related petty crimes, I have not heard of severe crimes. That is not to say that you should be leaving your stuff lying around. You must look after your things of course, but you don’t have to live in fear that you will be attacked.

Who Will Enjoy Retiring In Crete Greece?


I think anyone looking for a calm relaxed lifestyle will enjoy retiring in Crete. Here things move at a slow pace (siga siga) also someone who enjoys the outdoors, taking long walks, or hiking, Crete is blessed with beautiful beaches, gorges, and mountains. So if you enjoy the outdoors, you will be right at home here in Crete.

Also if you like swimming and sunbathing, you are going to enjoy your retirement here on Crete because there are so many beaches, some big and some small, as you familiarize yourself with the island, you are going to find some really nice spots where you can enjoy swimming and relaxing even at the height of the tourist season.

The tourists usually go to the big beaches because they are not familiar with the island, expats who live here, know the small hidden spots, where they can go and have a swim and a picnic.

The Cons Of Retiring In Crete Greece (the not so good)

Well, one of the things that you will find frustrating is the paperwork, Bureaucracy is something that you will deal with and you will have to be very patient. In my opinion, it’s best to find a lawyer to advise you on the legal matters, and an accountant to advise you on the financial matters.

Another thing that you will find frustrating and I have mentioned this in my other article about moving to Crete, it’s the slow pace at what things are done, and the laid back attitude of the Greek people, although it’s a good thing, and that is one of the reasons you want to settle in Crete, it can get very frustrating when you have a leaking sink that needs to be fixed.

Driving on the island is another thing you will have to get used to, if you are the kind that screams at the driver next or in front of you, then I suggest you take some relaxation therapy before moving to Crete lol. Here driving can get very interesting, so you must be prepared for anything when on the road.

As I mentioned in another article, always expect the unexpected when driving here in Crete.

Medical Facilities In Crete


I am sure one of the things that you will have on your mind as you consider retiring in Crete Greece, is the medical facility and the quality of the services offered. The island is equipped with Big hospitals like the University General Hospital In Heraklion, Chania General Hospital located in the village of Mournies.

Agios Nikolaos General hospital, Sitia General Hospital, Rethimno General Hospital just to name a few, there are also small clinics all around the island and many Private hospitals.

The quality of services offered is of high standards, and my husband who is from Denmark says that the doctors here are very thorough and very attentive. For example, we had a friend who felt dizzy and fell in her kitchen and when she was taken to the hospital, apart from treating her injuries, they also did lots of tests to determine the cause of her fall.

Also unlike other European hospitals where you have to wait for a long time to be seen by a specialist, here the wait is not long at all.


Crete offers a perfect retirement place, because of the all year round living, online other Greek islands, Crete is not just a tourist destination, it’s also an ideal place to settle especially for pensioners. Now because of the current situation of Britain leaving the EU, Brits might have it rough when it comes to retiring in Crete and Greece at large.

There will be a lot of paperwork to be sorted, but I am sure this will not hinder those who want to settle in Greece. As it is now Greece hosts many British expats, and I am sure more are looking to relocate to Greece. At the moment information is coming in small doses when it comes to UK nationals settling in the EU.

Anyway, I hope you have enjoyed my article today, if so please leave me a comment below with your thoughts.

Thank you so much for your time.


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3 comments on “Retiring In Crete Greece What Are The Cons And Pros?

  1. This was a great article I came across your video Black in Crete while scrolling YT.
    I don’t know why they showed it but they know I am Asian (hahaha) so, dark skinned 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Had bern thinking of Greece as a retirement possibility from Hamburg Germany…
    But thought it would be too difficult without the language etc. And I don’t know how well learning yet another language would fit in my life.
    I already speak English 2 European languages and 1 Asian .. so thats a consideration.
    Anyway must watch more of your videos and read more here.
    Thank you fir the information and the beautiful videos snd photos.

  2. We have lived in the Canary Islands for 6 years and have Full Residencia.
    If we move to Crete to live permanently as we are Pensioners is it easier than moving from the UK.
    Thank you

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