
COVID-19 Outbreak And Its Impact On Tourist Season On Crete

The world is under attack, The Coronavirus has officially shut down the world. The COVID-19 outbreak will have a negative impact on the economy globally. The Greek islands were getting ready for the tourist season and many hotels and luxury resorts had spent lots of money renovating and beautifying, in anticipation of the guests.

Many people had already booked their flights, for their holidays in Greece. Because people start planning their holidays early.

Sometimes The guests start to arrive even before the season officially starts. I mean, last year (2019) by the first week of April, we had already started seeing the tourists arriving. The leather lane in Chania was already very populated and the few restaurants that were open, had lots of customers.

I have a feeling this season is going to be very quiet, because we are all under Quarantine. Schools, and other places are closed. The only places that are open are Mini markets (Grocery shops) supermarkets, and pharmacies.


Crete Has Reported 6 Confirmed Cases Of COVID-19 So Far

We knew it was just a matter of time until the virus gets here. But all precaution is been taken to control the spreading of the virus. Now when you go to any place, including the pharmacies, they are not allowing more than one person inside. This morning we went to buy some things from the Synka supermarket and we were given gloves.

Also, we were given a number because they need to keep track of the number of people they allow inside, when the number reaches the maximum, then other customers have to wait outside until the first bunch of customer has finished shopping. I think that is a great strategy they have here.

The Global Toilet Paper Crisis, Has Not Hit Crete


Here in Crete, we have not gone toilet paper crazy. All supermarkets have toilet paper on the shelves. We went to Lidl a week ago just after we received the emergency alert from the ministry of health alerting us on the situation surrounding the Coronavirus outbreak and informing us of the Quarantine.

So just like everyone else, we went to get some things, and I must say I did not see anyone fighting over toilet paper or hand sanitizers. We just did our shopping and then we were on our way. I have seen some crazy situation on the news, there was a supermarket in Denmark where Police had to be called because a toilet paper fight had broken out between customers.

What Is The Logic Behind Hoarding Toilet Paper, I Really Would Like To Know

I really would like to know where people got the idea that toilet paper is the most precious thing to have during this crisis from. Please if you are doing your shopping, keep in mind that it’s not everyone who can afford to buy a bunch of supplies in one go.

Some people don’t have the financial ability to buy 10 cases of toilet paper and 20 packets of baby diapers and wipes, soaps, drinking water, etc. So please don’t clean up the shelves.

The items I have mentioned are the ones people are fighting over at the supermarkets in the US, UK, Australia and other parts of the world.

Economy Was Doing So Well, But This Crisis Could Have A Negative Effect


Everything was looking up, for Crete and Greece at large, Tourism was at its peak, with Greece welcoming a record-breaking number of over 38.8million visitors between April and September 2019. That is a significant increase from 33 million visitors in 2018. It was expected that the number would have risen even higher in 2020, and 2021, because of the celebration of 200 years of Greece’s war of independence against the Turks.

Many people were planning to visit Greece and join in this big celebration and social media was buzzing with Greeks who live in other countries like the US, Canada, Australia and other parts of the world, all planning to come back home for the celebrations.

Speaking about the event, The chairperson of Greece 2021 Committee, said that the celebrations are to take place all over the world so that those who cannot make to come to Greece, can still take part in this historical event. Of course, this statement was released before the CODVID-19 outbreak.

Celebrities were not left behind with Hollywood actors like Tom Hanks posting on his social media about his and his friend’s plans to visit Greece during the celebration while encouraging other celebrities to join in.

Mykonos And Other Greek Islands Were Getting Ready To Recieve Even More Celebrities


The Islands of Mykonos, Santorini, Kefalonia, Crete And, other Greek islands were getting ready to host many celebrities. Even more, than they usually do because of the celebrations. Now everything hangs in the balance, as we don’t know what is going to happen.

It’s my hope that this crisis will come to an end soon, so things can go back to normal. I also hope that the people who have lost their jobs as a result of this virus will be able to get their jobs back once we are free of the COVID-19.

The problem with this thing, is that it’s spreading like wildfire this is despite the measures being taken to control it. In Italy, they Have done so much to control it, yet so many people have died there over 3000 in such a short time And Spain also Is losing lots of lives. So far Spain has lost 1500 people to Corona Virus.


The COVID-19 outbreak is a global crisis, and we need to take it seriously and do whatever we can to control the spread of this terrible virus. We also need to stop with the blame game. At this point, it doesn’t matter where the virus originated from. What matters is how we are going to fight it so our lives can soon get back to normal.

I really would like to hear your views on this issue. How are things where you are, are people fighting over toilet paper? Do you know someone who has contracted the virus and if so, how are they doing?

Please stay safe and healthy. Stay at home and follow the advice the authorities have given.

Thank you for your time and comments. Please take great care of yourself and those close to you.


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2 comments on “COVID-19 Outbreak And Its Impact On Tourist Season On Crete

  1. Why is it impossible for any of you to commit to an answer , flights to Crete and car rentals , . What are the restriction put on hotels/ restruants / When will the curfew restriction be lifted / will I have to wear a mask “will I have to supply my own” / what should I expect at the beach ?,. Should I not even think of rebooking this year I have a ticket with SAS with a direct flight to CHQ from Cope. via SFO SAS has layed off over 5k personal and there was news of airline financial failure.? This is scary how will airlines this corona contamination in the air and close proximities/

    1. Hi, as it is now, Hotels and cafes are still closed and they hope to start opening early June, of course, that will depend on how it goes with the rolled out plans. today Monday the 4th of May is when small shops were allowed to open and we no longer need special permission to go out now. But wearing a mask in public is mandatory.

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