
Greece Announces Nationwide Lockdown


Looks like we are going into another lockdown, it has been announced that from November 7th, 2020 you will need to send a text to 13033 to request permission to go out. Most shops are closed apart from supermarkets, mini markets, and pharmacies. The second lockdown comes after Greece recorded the highest numbers this week.

On Wednesday the 4th of November, Greece recorded 2,646 cases, this is the highest daily number even higher than when the first wave hit the country. The authorities took this measure to contain the spread of the virus. So far Greece has done very well and it’s one of the countries in Europe that have low numbers thanks to quick action by the authorities.

What Are The Rules?

You must send a text to get permission to go out, face masks are mandatory both outdoors and indoors, gatherings are prohibited. For those who need permission for traveling to go to work you can visit you will also find more information about what you are allowed to do.

Basically, you can only go out to do your grocery shopping, to go to the pharmacy, to go to the bank but only if the service you require is not provided electronically. To go to a funeral, to go help someone who needs help. You are also allowed to go out for exercise or to take your pet for a walk. If you are going for a walk as a pair, you must practice social distancing.


divorced parents who need to visit their children they are also allowed to do so. Taking children to or from school is OK too. But in order to go out, you must have either your confirmation text which as I mentioned earlier you get by sending a text to 13033 and select your reason for going out.

When going out you must have your ID or passport with you.

Are The Borders Closed?


I think this lockdown is not as strict as the first lockdown For the travelers, Greece will not close the airports but travelers must produce evidence of negative COVID-19 results. The test must have been taken 48 hours before travel.

For those entering Greece by land, they too must produce negative results and the test must have been taken within 72 hours of travel.

Are Domestic Flights Available?

Domestic travel will be allowed but with conditions, business travel, those who are traveling for health reasons, as well as those who are traveling to return to their permanent residency. Family reunification is also another reason that is accepted. Of course, you must produce proof.

Although the lockdown is supposed to last for 3 weeks, there is a chance that it could be extended. The rules also can change at any time.


Although it’s frustrating to be in lockdown, it’s absolutely necessary and I sure hope people will follow the rules. It’s my hope and prayer that soon we will find a solution to this crisis. Until then, I wish you all the best, please observe the distance, wear your masks, and wash your hands.

It’s your turn now, have you heard about the lockdown, and if so what measures have you taken? I hope you haven’t gone to the supermarket and cleared the shelves of all toilet paper rolls.

Please leave your comments below.

Thank you for your time.

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